Monday, November 9, 2009

The Declaration of Independence Questions

List of complaints begins with "He..."
1. Why do they repeat it?
They repeat it because the listed offenses have been committed repeatedly.
2. Why do they make it personal?
They are hoping that by making the complaints personal to the people, the people will recognize their faults and be instilled with a new desire to change their ways.
3. How does the D.I. anticipate its audiences resistance to change?

The D.I. anticipates that the people of the independent colonies are more likely to suffer than to change because they do not want to leave behind what they are used to.
4. How does the D.I. use parallelism? How does it impact the effectiveness of the piece?
parallelism: when a writer uses similar grammatical forms or sentence patterns to express ideas of equal importance.
The D.I. uses "He..." and "For..." to represent that everything they are saying shares the same amount of importance.
5.What to you is the most convincing example stated in the D.I.? Why?
The most convincing thing that stands out to me is when the D.I. states that the colonies are no longer controlled by the British government, but is now independent. This stands out to me because this shows to the people that some serious change is about to occur in how the government is run.

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