Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Danse Macabre by Stephen King (Dance of Death) The Masque of Red Death

-big bug behind the door- getting to the door is the scariest part; behind the door is a relief. It's a no win situation-must find out what is behind the door eventually, can't drag out the suspense for too long or it loses its effect.

Allegory: two layers of meaning; most of the persons, objects, and events stand for abstract ideas or qualities. (In Danse Macabre, the masked man represents the red death; this is an allegory)

The Masque of Red Death
-Prince Prospero and his friends went into the abbey to try and avoid the plague.
-Prince Prospero had musicians, food, wine, and dancing within the abbey; it was like a big party whereas outside the abbey was just a lot of death and despair.
-Black and scarlet "apartment," like death ebony, monotonous clock that announces the hour, and as it does so, all that are partying stop/pause for a moment to aknowledge it, just for a moment until it's done chiming the hour. (disconcert, tremulousness, meditation instilled in the people by the chiming of the clock)
-Imagery with the description of the scene and how the clock makes all go silent and then light laughter and resuming partying.
-Masked stranger in the ballroom instills in the people surprise, then terror, horror, and disgust.
-masked man represents death-dressed like death, all are afraid of his "gaunt" figure-blood on himself
-Prince Prospero orders his courtiers to seize the dark intruder, and says he shall be hanged come morning, but no one will go near enough to the dark man to seize him.
-the masked man's costume is "untenanted by any tangible form"-represents the plague and that no one can escape from it. "He" kills everyone, and the clock stops chiming.

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