Gothic-pertaining to the dark ages, Gothic architecture, dark literature, gloomy or horrifying
Anti-Catholicism-early Protestant Gothic fiction that is associated with a "corrupted catholic religion"
Body Snatching or Grave Robbing-digging up dead bodies, stealing dead bodies from cemeteries
Exorcism-the act of forcing the devil out of a person that is posessed
Incubus-male demons
Succubus-female demons
Necromancy-communicating with the dead
Revenant-the dead returning to get even with the living
Superstition-belief in the supernatural
Transformations-the metamorphosis
Body Snatching or Grave Robbing-digging up dead bodies, stealing dead bodies from cemeteries
Exorcism-the act of forcing the devil out of a person that is posessed
Incubus-male demons
Succubus-female demons
Necromancy-communicating with the dead
Revenant-the dead returning to get even with the living
Superstition-belief in the supernatural
Transformations-the metamorphosis

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